Toxic smog hits UK: Will your area be affected by the extreme air pollution?

Health experts are warning the deadly smog could put thousands of ill and vulnerable Brits’ health at risk

Toxic: Smog will cover the UK

Experts have revealed the areas most likely to be affected by the toxic smog set to sweep the nation.
And medics have warned it could put thousands of ill and vulnerable Brits’ health at risk.
Doncaster and the surrounding areas will be the worst affected with a level 9, high warning.
Nottingham, Loughborough, South Wales, Bristol and most of Devon and Cornwall, along with Birmingham, Coventry and Leicester will also be covered by the massive cloud of deadly smog.
People in Northern Ireland, mid-Wales, London and the South East, the East Midlands, the North and North East, Northumberland and mid-Lothian in Scotland will also be seriously affected.
Pollution has already been high and it is expected to reach dangerous levels by mid-morning tomorrow, with the fog arriving from the Continent.

Getty St. Paul's Cathedral is seen among the skyline through the smog in central London
Not the best view: St Paul's Cathedral is obscured by smog on Wednesday
Officials warned the spike in toxic air could cause serious health issues, especially for children and older people with asthma, heart or lung trouble.
It follows a similar rise in pollution last spring, when the emergency services reported a surge in call-outs to patients with breathing problems.
At the time, 1.6 million people suffered an asthma attack as smog filled the air, Asthma UK said.
Every year, it is estimated 29,000 premature deaths here are caused by poor air quality.
Dr Penny Woods, head of the British Lung Foundation, warned: “During periods of moderate or high pollution, people with respiratory conditions can find their conditions worsening.
“To minimise this impact, people should avoid pollution hotspots, such as busy roads.
"They should also avoid strenuous exercise outside and those who use a reliever inhaler should make sure that they carry it with them.
“If anyone feels that their condition is worsening, they should contact their GP – don’t just wait for the pollution to subside.”

A Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs spokesman said: “Adults and children with heart or lung problems are at greater risk of symptoms.”
Experts said the cloud had been blown over from the Continent, while milder weather had let traffic pollution build up.
The Weather Network’s Chris Burton added: “High pressure is sat right on top of the UK, preventing pollution from dispersing and keeping it trapped at the surface.”
Defra said levels were expected to drop again by tomorrow.
For those affected, air pollution reduces life expectancy by an average of 11 years. It is responsible for 5% of all annual UK deaths.

Where will be worst affected?

LeveL 9 (High): Doncaster and surrounding area
LeveL 6 (Moderate): Nottingham, Loughborough, extending south west to South Wales, Bristol, most of Devon & Cornwall, Wiltshire, Birmingham, Coventry, Leicester
Level 4 (Moderate): Northern Ireland and mid-Wales, London and most of the South East of England, East Anglia, East Midlands, the North and North East, Northumberland & mid-Lothian in Scotland.

What is smog?

Smog is formed when air pollution levels are high and there isn’t much wind so a combination of particles and ground level ozone builds up to create a yellowish or black fog.
This affects everyone as when you breathe in, you breathe in the harmful substances too.
Smog can cause your lungs to work less well because the particles can cause the linings in the airways to become inflamed, leading to breathing problems.
Pollution can make people with asthma or heart and lung diseases more sensitive to triggers that make their condition worse.
And children with asthma are particularly vulnerable to pollution as when they play outdoors they have faster breathing rates and their lungs are still developing.
The temporary short-term effects of being exposed to smog can include illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
They also include discomfort such as irritation to the nose, throat, eyes, or skin and headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

Scott Bairstow Photography Sahara Dust pollution hits the UK causing fog and smog
No visibility: A cyclist struggling to ride in fog and smog
But long-term prolonged exposure to air pollution can lead to heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema.
The particles that go to form smog are made up of dust, soot, diesel fumes or aerosols.
Kay Boycott, Chief Executive of Asthma UK, said: “Two thirds of people with asthma find that air pollution makes their asthma worse, putting them at an increased risk of a potentially fatal asthma attack.
“When air pollution is high it’s vital people with respiratory conditions including asthma check air pollution forecasts, carry their reliever inhaler with them at all times, and ensure that they are taking their preventer inhaler every day because this will help build resilience to asthma triggers like air pollution.
“People with asthma have told us that on days when air pollution levels are high they feel that they can’t even leave the house for fear that it will trigger an attack.
“If anyone is concerned about how pollution may affect their asthma they can call the Asthma UK Helpline on 0800 121 62 44 or visit”