Two men filmed risking their lives by hanging from back of high-speed train---->>>

The heart-stopping footage was taken in Upper Hutt, a city in 

the Wellington Region of New Zealand, by a Russian tourist.

Police search for 80mph train surfers

A pair of foolhardy daredevils have been filmed hanging from the back of a 

train hurtling down the track at 55mph.

The heart-stopping footage was taken in Upper Hutt, a city in the Wellington Region of New Zealand, by a Russian tourist.
The two men have been slammed by rail bosses for their actions.

Rail and Maritime Transport Union general secretary Wayne Butson said such actions were mindless stupidity.
"If anything goes wrong then invariably it's [staff] who literally have to go back and look at the pieces that are left.

Police search for 80mph train surfers
Inches from death: As well as the risk of a fall, the train tracks are electrified

"People who take up careers driving trains do it because they like driving trains, not to sit as a powerless spectator in the demise of another human being."
They had disappeared by the time a train pulled into a station.
The film was taken by Alexey Zhavoronkov, who was with his family on the road between Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt.

Police search for 80mph train surfers
Gone: The two men had disappeared when the train pulled into the station

He told "My wife, who was driving, saw them and said 'look at them, they're crazy'." he said.
"We're originally from Russia and this kind of madness is more like normal there ... it was a shock to see people here doing it. It's really dangerous ... it was scary."
The two men are being sought by police and could face a criminal conviction for trespassing if caught.