Meet the man who can get drunk from eating chips--->>>

Nick Hess suffers from 'auto-brewery syndrome’ a condition that means his stomach turns carbs into alcohol

ABC News / GettyNick Hess
Condition: Nick Hess suffers from 'auto brewery syndrome', which means carbs are turned into alcohol

Many people wish they could get drunk without having to spend a fortune.
But Nick Hess only has to scoff some chips or potatoes for him to end up sloshed.
Nick suffers from 'auto-brewery syndrome’, a condition that means his stomach produces too much yeast and turns any carbs into alcohol.
For a while he says he didn't know what was happening saying that he would get sick for no reason with stomach pains and headaches.
Friends and family started to suspect that he had a drink problem and his wife even started searching the house convinced that he had a secret stash of booze.
He told the BBC: "It was weird, I’d eat some carbs and all of a sudden I was goofy, vulgar. Every day for a year I would wake up and vomit,
"Sometimes it would come on over the course of a few days, sometimes it was just like “bam! I’m drunk."
People often thought that he was drunk even when no alcohol passed his lips.
It was only when his wife filmed him that he realised that something was up.
His wife Karen Daw told ABC News "We would be watching television ... and by the end of the evening, he would start to be confused, and he would start slurring. And he did smell like he had alcohol on his breath.
"I went through the entire house looking for alcohol. Anywhere that I think that maybe you could hide a small bottle or a small flask. The painful part was just doubting him."
"It just made me more determined to try and figure out what was going on with him."
Despite having countless hospital tests, including three colonoscopies and three endoscopes, the condition was only diagnosed after he was fed a carb heavy meal.
His blood alcohol level shoot up to 120 milligrams per 100 milliletres of blood - the same as having seven shots of whiskey.
Now he has been given given anti-fungal drugs and put on a low carb diet to combat the condition, however he still experiences one or two episodes a month.
He has thanked his wife for helping him get a diagnosis and says that although he still has problems it is nowhere near as bad as it was.