The woman had got out to inspect her own car after she had hit a patch of ice but moments later she was sent flying as another vehicle lost control.
A woman hit by a driver after getting out of her car was lucky to be alive after being flung into the air and skidding along black ice.
Alevtina Kapustina, 34, had been driving to see friends in eastern Russia when she hit a patch of black ice sending car spinning 180 degrees.
With her in-car camera still running, shocked Aleytina climbs out of her vehicle to see what damage her own accident had on the car.
But moments later, she is sent flying through the air when a passing motorist loses control on the snow-covered road .
The car then careers off the road into a ditch on the other side as Alevtina’s body lies motionless a few metres in front of her own vehicle.
Horrified motorist Hleb Ermakov, 55, who stopped to help, said: "I saw the car parked by the side of the road and facing the wrong direction as a woman was standing beside it.
"Then the car in front of me just slammed straight into her . It was absolutely horrifying. She was completely motionless and I thought she must be dead.
"But when I pulled over and got out I noticed her move a little and immediately called an ambulance."
The woman was taken to a nearby hospital where she was treated for concussion.
A hospital spokesman said: "It’s a miracle she wasn’t killed. Fortunately, she only had slight head injuries and was otherwise OK."
The female driver who had hit the woman was treated for shock.