Bedfordshire was the murder capital of Britain last year. Find out many murders there were in your area
526 men, women and children died at hands of another person last year in England and Wales.
Each of those separate tragedies had a different story.
But looking at the just the statistics can tell us something about who gets murdered, who the murderers are and what can be learned.
Bedfordshire, the region that includes cities of Luton and Bedford had the highest homicide rate in England and Wales last year. 12 people were killed there last year. How did your region compare?
Click on your region to see the number of people killed last year
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But when you take into account the number of people living there, it gives Bedfordshire a higher murder rate than London, when you take into account the number of people living there, the latest stats from the ONS show.
The police term homicide covers murder and other types of killing including manslaughter and the killing of children under one, known as infanticide.
The five places with the most murders in England and Wales
Murder rate per 1 million population
Regions around the centre of England the Midlands came out as the most dangerous places in England, with higher murder rates than the capital London. No Welsh regions made the top five.
1. Homicide is at its lowest level since 1989
It's no consolation to anyone who has lost a loved one, but the good news is that murder is down from 2012/13, and the 526 killings last year are the lowest level ever since 1989.
2. Your chance of being murdered is 1 in 1,000 over your life
The murder rate in the UK is low and falling, but even then you may be shocked to learn that your lifetime rate of being murdered is higher than you think.
For someone who lives to 80 your lifetime chance of being murdered is just less than one in a thousand. However if you survive to the age of one year old, your chances improve dramatically, and if you survive past 30, your chances improve as well.
3. Women are most likely to be murdered by their partners
One of the most shocking figures in the release is the huge number of women killed by the very people who are supposed to love them. Despite the stereotypes of stranger danger and the headlines around random street attacks, it's partners who kill the most.
Almost half of all the women murdered last year were killed by their partners or ex-partners.
Women murdered by their partners
Men died at the hands of their partners too, but less often. One in ten of the men of the men who died last year was killed by a partner (7%).
4. Men are most likely to be murdered by their friends
Men were far more likely than women to be killed by what the police call friends or acquaintances. Four out of every ten men killed were killed by a friend or acquaintance. Only one in ten (8%) of women were murdered by someone classified as a friend or acquaintance.
5. Half of all murders are caused by quarrels or revenge
Why did these murders happen? The police statistics tell a very threadbare tale, but they do state that a half (263 offences) of all homicide cases resulted from "a quarrel, a revenge attack or a loss of temper".
One in ten happened while another crime was taking place, during a robbery or a burglary (7%).
6. The most common murder weapon was a knife
The constant reports about knife crime are borne out by the facts. 202 people died after being stabbed with a knife last year. That's one in three of all the murders. Both men and women were most likely to die in this violent way.
Perhaps reflecting stories about pub fights or street attacks, the second most common way for men to be killed was by hitting or kicking to death – 24% of men were killed this way.
Women were next most likely to be killed by strangulation – 18% of female murder victims last year died that way, perhaps reflecting the high number of women killed by their partners.
In good news, the number of shootings was down to only 29, or 6% of all deaths, the lowest number since the 1980s.
7. Half of all murders took place in the house
Again despite the stories about street violence and the fear of dangerous streets - most killings occurred in the house - over half (59%) of all offences took place there.
One in five murders took place in the street or an alleyway (19%). A smaller number took place in open outdoor areas (7%), 3% took place in pubs or other licensed areas.
It's a dark set of figures, but on the plus side, murder rates have been falling steadily since the 1990s, along will almost all other types of violent crime.
That's the good news.