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Thursday, April 21, 2016
Chinese tycoon takes 8 humanoid robot maids shopping so they can carry his bags
The man was photographed in a shopping mall while the robot servants patiently waited for him before following him out of the stores holding his bags
A Chinese tycoon went shopping with eight humanoid robots, who carried his bags
We've all got a little carried away at the shops and wished we had an extra pair of hands to help carry the bags.
But how about eight humanoid robots dressed as maids who could assist with the load?
That's what this wealthy Chinese tycoon decided to do when he was spotted out and about with the bizarre entourage last week.
The middle-aged man turned plenty of heads when he took the human-like machines with him as he shopped in a mall in Guangzhou, China.
Photographs showed the robots carrying - along with his selection of designer shopping bags - the businessman's water, coat and towel.
The Chinese businessman could be seen shopping in a jewellers while the maids waited for him Read more:Makers of sex robot with virtual vagina swamped with orders
They could be seen waiting patiently for him while he shopped for gold in a jewellery store before patiently following behind him when he left.
The robot servants could also be seen standing around holding his belongings while he enjoyed a drink at a cafe.
But the unnamed tycoon has been blasted by the Chinese media, who described him as a "tuhao" which is a slang word to describe someone who got rich overnight but has no taste.
Humanoid robots are become increasingly popular in China as the first restaurant to use robot waiting staff opening in in Guiyang City, Guizhou, on Monday.
The man's robotic "servants" followed him from parking lots to shops, and from shops to cafes as he never lifted a finger to carry any of the items he purchased" class="captify" src="http://i4.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article7792511.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/PAY-Chinese-businessman-goes-shopping-with-robots.jpg" height="409" title="The man's robotic "servants" followed him from car parks to shops and cafes as he never lifted a finger to carry any of the items he purchased" width="615" />
The man's robotic "servants" followed him from car parks to shops and cafes as he never lifted a finger to carry any of the items he purchased Read more: Super realistic robot goddess cracks jokes and calls its creator 'My lord'
Meanwhile a humanoid obsessive man in Hong Kong has recently built realistic female robot from scratch that bears a striking resemblance to Avengers star Scarlett Johansson .
Ricky Ma, a 42-year-old product and graphic designer, has spent more than $50,000 (£34,000) and a year and a half creating the female robot prototype , Mark 1.
The designer confirmed the scarily lifelike humanoid had been modelled on a Hollywood star, but wanted to keep her name under wraps.
It responds to a set of programmed verbal commands spoken into a microphone and has moving facial expressions, but Ricky says creating it wasn't easy.
He said he was not aware of anyone else in Hong Kong building humanoid robots as a hobby and that few in the city understood his ambition.