- the central cord connecting the brain with the spine</p>
" data-facebook-label="facebook" data-facebook-title="Brain damaged youngster had a very strange request after waking from coma" data-facebook-url="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brain-damaged-victim-mystery-road-7785374" data-id="4851689460001" data-pageurl="http://www.mirror.co.uk/" data-player="60716998-ff67-4298-8bd7-2162e15a858d" data-title="Police issue CCTV of 9 vehicles that drove past man with serious head injuries" data-twitter-description="
<p>Aidan Warner suffered three broken vertebrae in his spine and a broken brainstem - the central cord connecting the brain with the spine</p>
" data-twitter-label="twitter" data-twitter-title="Brain damaged youngster had a very strange request after waking from coma" data-twitter-url="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brain-damaged-victim-mystery-road-7785374" data-video-id="4851689460001" id="vjs_video_3" preload="none">
Aidan Warner suffered three broken vertebrae in his spine and a broken brainstem - the central cord connecting the brain with the spine
in his spine and a broken brainstem - the central cord connecting the brain with the spine</p>
" data-twitter-label="twitter" data-twitter-title="Brain damaged youngster had a very strange request after waking from coma" data-twitter-url="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brain-damaged-victim-mystery-road-7785374" data-video-id="4851689460001" id="vjs_video_3_html5_api" poster="http://brightcove01.brightcove.com/24/4221396001/201604/744/4221396001_4851694256001_4851689460001-vs.jpg?pubId=4221396001&videoId=4851689460001" preload="none" src="http://brightcove04.brightcove.com/34/4221396001/201604/744/4221396001_4851694439001_4851689460001.mp4?pubId=4221396001&videoId=4851689460001">
Aidan Warner’s parents, Penny and Ian Warner, said the 20-year-old is making good progress.
He has been awake for around four to six weeks and is recovering from the horrific, yet mysterious incident on Boxing Day last year.
Police are continuing to investigate how Aidan was found lying in Farnham with severe head injuries minutes after leaving Upper Hale Working Men’s Club where he had been socialising with friends.
He was taken to St George’s Hospital in Tooting, where he remains, reports Get Surrey.
Read more: Man in coma after mystery Boxing Day collision 'won’t leave hospital this year'
In January, doctors said they expect he will spend the rest of this year in hospital.
Mrs Warner travels to the hospital every day after finishing work in catering at All Hallows School having only recently returned to work.
“He’s getting there, he’s doing really well,” she said.
“He was in a semi-conscious state, but now he is awake and talking. He can’t walk - well, he can, but he has to be aided with a frame, he’s not walking on his own."
Mrs Warner said Aidan has "no idea what happened" on the night of the incident.
"He has an orientation board and you can say to him ‘what day is it today?’ and he will say a day and work it out," she said.
"You can say ‘where are you?’ and he doesn’t know where he is, so we have to keep telling him St George’s.
“He can speak, but sometimes it’s difficult to understand what he is saying, he’s quite slurred.
“Some days I look at him and think ‘oh, you’ll be alright, there’s nothing wrong with you’ and other days I look at him and can see the brain damage and that it’s not quite him.”
Mrs Warner said that doctors are currently unsure of when Aidan will enter the rehabilitation phase and he is still being treated by a one-on-one nurse
He has moved from a drip onto a soft diet - and has even been asking his mum for pizza.
“He keeps asking for pizza,” said Mrs Warner.
“I said to him the minute he can eat one, I will bring him one or order it to the hospital.”
On a recent visit, Aidan’s brother Ajay, 13, fed him a chocolate yoghurt for the first time since the incident, and Mrs Warner said it is as if their roles have reversed.
Read more: Woman wakes from coma to find she's three months pregnant - but has no memory of last three years
“I told Ajay he has to be Aidan’s older brother and teach him things,” she said, adding that the family’s outlook has taken a positive turn since Aidan ‘woke up’.
“We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you say to yourself that he has come this far in four months, what’s he going to be like in the next four months?” she said.
"He might have some sort of learning difficulty or whatever, we don’t know how far he will come, but the fact is he is making progress.”
Mr Warner added: “It’s a case of accepting what’s happened and trying to make the best of everything.
"We have to help him along.”
The couple say they have had a difficult time with Surrey Police and the force still has Aidan’s phone, saying officers need it as part of the investigation.
They have also criticised the force’s communication, saying they sometimes go weeks without speaking to anyone. Surrey Police is yet to respond to a request for comment.
However, the family say have had support from Aidan’s friends and work colleagues, who have started an online fundraising page to help pay for the cost of travelling to and from St George’s Hospital daily.
Started by Tony Bonner, director at Oasis Gardens and who has worked with Aidan for four years, the aim is to raise £5,000 for the family, with £2,180 already donated.
Aidan also has a girlfriend who visits him every weekend - he used to regularly spend time with her in Staines and his dad Ian previously told Get Surrey his son was "devoted" to his girlfriend.
Mr and Mrs Warner added they wanted to thank everyone who continues to support them.
The appeal for information to establish the circumstances around Aidan's injuries continues.