Jordan Saunders tipped the scales at 11 stone at just 11-years-old, making her a target for cruel school bullies
Jordan Saunders tipped the scales at 11 stone at just 11-years-old, making her a target for cruel school bullies.
Determined to shape up she hit the gym and shed three stone in just a few months, slimming down to eight stone.
Now 21 she beaten the bullies to sculpt a buff body - and bagged a fitness model fiance to boot, 26-year-old Ray Bath.
The couple, from Basildon, Essex, started dating and soon Mr Bath confessed to Miss Saunders that he had been bullied as a child as well.
"When the pictures of us posing on stage in a bodybuilding contest came out I had people who had teased me at school asking for weight loss tips.
"Suddenly all these people who had called me names when we were teenagers came out of the woodwork and were asking how they could get in great shape.
"The tables really have turned - I always try and help even though part of me is surprised."
Miss Saunders struggled with her weight as a child and ate a fatty diet consisting of chicken nuggets, chips and calorie-laden ready-meals.
"I stopped going to dancing classes because someone said I looked like an elephant.
"My sister used to call me 'dustbin'.
"Despite this, fitness was still hugely important to me and I swam for 20 hours a week.
"But my diet meant I couldn't shed the pounds.