The misdemeanour wasn't enough to ban him from flying, according to local aviation authorities

Flying high: The pilot was due to fly an Air India plane to Delhi before he was removed

A pilot who was discovered to be drunk before take off has been let off with a warning.
The senior pilot, who flies for Air India, was flying to Delhi from Sharjah International Airport in the United Arab Emirates when he was questioned by security.
Discovering that he had drunk alcohol, the pilot was breathalysed and subsequently stopped from flying the aircraft, reports the Khaleej Times.
It was reported that he had a 'slightly higher than permissible' alcohol reading

A top official at the Sharjah Civil Aviation told the Khaleej Times: "The security men at the airport suspected the behaviour of the pilot, and questioned him… He was not really drunk... but he was under the influence of alcohol.
“His blood sample proved that the percentage of alcohol content was high. So, we instructed the airline to replace the pilot immediately for ensuring the safety of the passengers.”
The situation did not become a police case and after a three-hour delay for passengers, including their meals being served to them in situ, another pilot was found for the flight to take it to Delhi.
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation in India may feel, the source told the Khaleej Times, that they wish to take further action.

Rules there dictate that a first-time offender of this nature would face a three-month suspension.
An Air India representative told NDTV: "He was detained during the test and after the results came positive, he was told he will not be allowed to fly and they also informed us to provide a substitute.
"After that he was let off with a warning. It did not become a police case."