Pictured: Horrific facial wounds suffered by girl, 21, in bottle attack

Chloe Knapton is back at home recovering after the shocking attack on her as she drove her car

These are the horrific injuries inflicted upon a young girl who was attacked after stopping her car in the middle of the road.
Chloe Knapton was left with deep wounds to her face and neck after being beaten as she sat in her car.
Her devastated family have released these shocking photos after the attack, which happened last Thursday night.
The attack happened in New Road, Holmfirth, Huddersfield, at around 11.45pm when Chloe stopped her car because the driver in front off her pulled up to move a bike out of the road.
According to the Huddersfield Daily Examiner, after Chloe was attacked, she managed to reach a friend’s house a short distance away to raise the alarm.

Chloe Knapton
Savage: Chloe Knapton suffered serious facial injuries and has undergone surgery at Leeds General Infirmary
Her injuries include a deep cut to her shoulder, a very deep wound to her neck where the glass bottle became embedded and wounds between her nose and mouth.
She was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where surgeons removed glass and she spent three days in recovery before being allowed home.
Chloe’s mum Allyson Knapton said an ambulance did not arrive for over an hour.
She said: “She was so brave. The ambulance did not arrive for an hour and 15 minutes. It was ridiculous. There were pools of blood on the pavement.

“She was taken to Leeds General Infirmary. There was glass everywhere. She has had to have stitches on both sides of her lips, inside and out, and around her nose.
“She can’t smile. She can’t eat so she has liquid food.
“They were extremely deep wounds to her shoulder and a two-three inch wound to her neck, which was embedded with bottle.
“She had three different lots of surgery and also needs dental treatment as one of her teeth has broken off.”
Chloe, an aspiring cruise ship dancer, runs a branch of KT Academy in Holmfirth and has received hundreds of messages of support from her friends and colleagues.

Chloe Knapton
Recuperation: The pretty young woman can't smile at the moment
The Examiner is awaiting a response from Yorkshire Ambulance Service over the family's claims regarding the time taken for its crew to arrive at the scene.
A man has appeared in court over the incident.
Andrew Shires, of The Porch, Rattle Row, Holmfirth appeared at Kirklees Magistrates’ Court, charged with wounding the woman.
District Judge Michael Fanning sent the 37-year-old’s case to Leeds Crown Court.
He will first appear there on May 5 and was remanded in custody.