Mikki Nicholson: Transgender Scrabble champion killed herself by stepping in front of train after succumbing to vile taunts

The 36-year-old was once ranked the fourth best player in the world - credited as having ‘changed the image of the game’

PAMikki Nicholson

A transgender Scrabble champion killed herself by stepping in front of a train after years of being taunted in the street, an inquest heard.
Mikki Nicholson, 36, became the UK Scrabble champion in 2010 and was rated number four in the world, having ‘changed the image of the game’ with her flamboyant dress and pink wigs.
But an inquest in Carlisle heard how she became increasingly unhappy in the months leading up to her death last year.
She could not arrange a move to Newcastle and was threatened with being made homeless.
The tragedy happened when Miss Nicholson took the train from Carlisle, her home town, to Wetheral, Cumbria.
In a statement, the driver of the Newcastle to Carlisle train described how just after 7.30pm he saw a figure step on to the track near Corby Gates.
There was no time to stop the train, which was travelling at between 30 and 35 mph, before impact.
Miss Nicholson died instantly.

PAMikki Nicholson
Scrabble expert: Mark Nyman, left, and Mikki Nicholson, right

Local resident Jonathan Hammond was on a footpath next to the line when he saw Miss Nicholson step on the track, turn to face the oncoming train, and then stand with her arms outstretched horizontally.
“It happened in a matter of seconds,” he said.
In a written statement Leslie-Anne Fey described meeting Miss Nicholson for the first time that very day at Carlisle’s Sportsman Inn.
“We had a laugh and we were there until 2pm,” she said, explaining that Miss Nicholson was happy to talk about being transgender.
The two had shared drinks, and later a meal, and chatted happily, she said.
As they parted, near Carlisle train station, they exchanged phone numbers and Miss Nicholson gave no cause for concern.
Rebecca Mellor got to know Miss Nicholson in 2010 and they developed a close relationship.
“Mikki was fiercely intelligent, exploring her gender identity, and had a vivacious character. She frequently felt at odds with the world.”
She said Mikki dealt well with the cat-calls and comments frequently aimed at her in the street, and was ‘incredibly talented’ as a Scrabble player, having been crowned both UK and European Champion, and at one time ranked fourth best in the world.
She described how their relationship changed in February 2013 and Mikki moved out.
Though an extrovert, she at times isolated herself from the world.

PAMikki Nicholson
Leading player: She was the UK's number one player in 2010

Another friend, Elsa Clare Armstrong, had known Miss Nicholson for the last 17 years, and said her move to trans gender status had been gradual.
Miss Nicholson had spent time at Carlisle Carleton psychiatric clinic last year, and after her discharge had been supported in the community.
Sporting a flamboyant dress sense - she collected her Scrabble trophy wearing a lurid pink outfit with fishnet gloves - made her the target of intolerance and abuse.
“She described Carlisle as hostile to people who are different,” said Clive Guyo, her mental health nurse.
“She spoke of facing verbal abuse while walking in the streets because of how she appeared to other people.
“Schoolchildren were often the worst for making fun of her and verbally abusing her.
“She had a negative view of Carlisle based on past experience. She felt stigmatised."
Nicholson was born male but identified as female. She was undergoing psychiatric treatment at the time of her death.
Cumbria Partnership Trust was found to have acted properly in its interaction with her.
Coroner David Roberts said Miss Nicholson, in the eyes of the law ‘still a man’, had been well supported by the psychiatric services.
He recorded a conclusion that she had deliberately killed herself, and knew what she was doing at the time of her death in November last year.
In 2010, Miss Nicholson shot to fame nationally when she was crowned UK Scrabble Champion. She said at the time that she had been diagnosed by a psychologist as a woman trapped in a man’s body.