Drug baron once Interpol's most wanted could be freed and keep his £198m fortune if appeal bid successful

Lawyers for notorious Liverpool gangster Curtis Warren insist new evidence that shows senior officials knew of illegal bugging plot must be reviewed

Curtis Warren
Appeal: Liverpool drugs lord Curtis Warren is appealing against his conviction

A drug baron who was once on Interpol's most wanted list has lodged papers demanding a fresh appeal over his 13-year jail term for plotting to smuggle £1million of cannabis into Jersey.
Liverpool kingpin Curtis Warren was jailed in 2009 after police unlawfully bugged a hire car central to the case and listened in on conversations that took place inside it, the Liverpool Echo has revealed.
Evidence from the illegal device was key in jailing The Toxteth-born gangster known as ‘Cocky’ and four accomplices.
Warren, Britain’s most notorious drug dealer and former Interpol most wanted, has always maintained he is the victim of a miscarriage of justice.

PA Curtis Warren
Appeal Plan: Curtis Warren was jailed for 13 years for his role in a drugs smuggling plot
A previous appeal, to the privy council in London, was only narrowly dismissed because of police’s “reprehensible” behaviour was said to be confined to the officers involved.
But now, Warren has applied for a new appeal to be granted over fresh allegations that senior Jersey public officials also knew of the illegal plot to catch him.
His lawyers say a police disciplinary file lays bare claims that the officers involved were told to make false witness statements and lie on oath.
The dossier - seen by the Liverpool Echo - also includes officers’ claims that they were “thrown to the wolves” and that others also knew of the illegal bug plot.

Liverpool Echo Curtis Warren
Jailed: Warren, pictured here in prison, could be released if his appeal bid succeeds
If an appeal is granted, and successful, the convictions of Warren and four others jailed over the conspiracy, could be quashed.
If so, Warren – who was handed an extra 10 years after failing to pay back a £198m fortune investigators believe he made from global dealing – would likely be freed from prison and have the multi-million pound IOU torn up.
In 1998 Warren was convicted of drug trafficking - and for the possession of MDMA, 1,000kg of cannabis, guns, three hand grenades and 940 canisters of CS gas - and sentenced to 12 years in a Dutch prison. In the same year, he made the Sunday Times Rich List as a “property developer”.

His UK barrister, Anthony Barraclough, said: “I understand that the officers have made serious allegations against the state.
“If these accusations are true, then there is a real possibility that the decision to dismiss previous appeals might have been different.
“These claims need to be examined very carefully and that is what Curtis Warren is asking for.”

PA Curtis Warren, from Liverpool, arriving at The Royal Court in St Hellier, Jersey
In Cuffs: Warren, from Liverpool, arriving at The Royal Court in St Hellier, Jersey
Jersey officers David Minty, Louis Beghin and Lawrence Courtness faced disciplinary proceedings after bugging the car when it was being driven across France, Belgium and Holland by Warren’s pal, John Welsh, in 2007, despite not having permission from the relevant foreign authorities.
In the disciplinary proceedings, officers allege that senior police knew about the unauthorised bugging of the car.
In the transcript, Minty says of his police bosses: “They knew exactly what was taking place. I can’t actually understand the motivation for not telling them.
"This was a massive operation. Huge amount of resources. It was very high profile. This was going to go worldwide. Why wouldn’t I tell them what had happened.”

Mercury Press £1million drugs haul of Curtis Warren
£1million drugs haul of Curtis Warren
It is claimed crown officers told the police what to say in witness statements and instructed them to adapt evidence in court.
Beghin told the disciplinary he was told “on the instruction of the Crown” to say that he ordered his colleagues to lie to police in France.
He said his advice to say the audio bug was a back-up tracking device was a casual comment and that he was “told to say it was an instruction to lie as it was far easier than trying to explain a throwaway comment”.

PA Jonathan Welsh (left) and Curtis Warren in a public phone box in Jersey
Surveillance Team: Accomplice Jonathan Welsh (left) and Warren photographed by police in a public phone box in Jersey
He added: “It’s not accurate... Because that’s what the Crown told me, to admit to briefing them, so it’s accurate for the Crown’s case.”
It is also alleged Crown Advocate Matthew Jowitt – the Jersey equivalent of a Crown Prosecution Service prosecutor - encouraged the officers to bug the car “regardless of whether consent had been obtained”.
He allegedly told them: “If it was me I would go ahead and do it, but don’t quote me on that”.

PA H M Prison La Moye in Jersey
Behind Bars: HMP La Moye in Jersey is where Warren was sent to, to serve his sentence
Beghlin alleges: “He was advised [...] that it was our intention if possible, if we could identify the hire car, it was our intention to deploy tracking and audio on it.”
Mr Jowitt strongly denies advising the police to break the law and said he was only aware of the bugging after it had happened.
In a statement issued previously, he said: “Five-and-a-half years ago I gave advice to the Jersey police solely about whether evidence obtained from a bugging device fitted lawfully in a Jersey car would be likely to be excluded by a trial court if that bug were left switched on without foreign consent should the car travel to France, Belgium and Holland.

PA Jonathan Welsh (left) and Curtis Warren meeting at a Jersey park to discuss their plot
Undercover Operation: Jonathan Welsh (left) and Warren photographed meeting at a Jersey park to discuss their plot
“I did not advise the police to travel to France and fit a bug in a French hire car. We were not made aware by the police that they had done this until after it had happened.”
Finally, it is claimed a “tactical decision” was made to blame the police in order to protect the Crown. Minty and Courtness both refer to a meeting at which they were told this by their lawyer.
Minty claims: “We were thrown to the wolves...by that tactical decision.”
Senior state officials have denied being aware of the bugging plan until after it had taken place.
Jersey’s solicitor-general, Howard Sharp, disclosed the transcripts of the disciplinary hearings to Warren’s lawyers last year.
In an accompanying letter, he said he found it “hard to take these various assertions seriously” because “none of these allegations were supported by any documents.”
He added: “In fact, one might go further and sat that the documentary evidence fundamentally undermines these allegations.”

PA Surveillance image of Jonathan Welsh (left) collecting Curtis Warren at Jersey airport
Snapped Cons: Surveillance image of Jonathan Welsh (left) collecting Warren at Jersey airport
But the lawyers for Warren have now applied for Jersey’s lieutenant-governor to refer the case back to the Court of Appeal in light of what they claim is “significant, fresh evidence”.
No decision has yet been made.
Mr Barraclough commented: “It boils down to this - either the police have lied in their disciplinary hearing or they are telling the truth, and if they are that would mean the Jersey prosecuting authorities have acted in the way alleged.

Kingpin Story: This true crime book covers the rise and fall of Warren's drug empire
"Either way, it is fair to say this is significant, fresh evidence which was not available previously, and must be looked at.”
Following the disciplinary hearings, Durham police chief constable Michael Barton exonerated the three officers of misconduct, saying they had “done nothing reprehensible”.
In his leaked judgment, Mr Barton said the officers were right to take “comfort” from the advice of Mr Jowitt.

The Lieutenant Governor’s office said it could not comment on whether Warren’s application had been received.
But his Jersey solicitors, Baker & Partners, said: “We have sent papers to the Lieutenant-Governor and are awaiting a response.
“We have had a formal acknowledgement of receipt of the papers but that is all so far.”