Driver who forgot to turn car lights off found heartwarming gift with note from mystery stranger

Young driver Derek Murray was bowled over by the kindness of the stranger who also gave him some useful instructions

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  • Wiki Commons / Reddit A man left a note for someone who had left their car lights on
    Kind: A mystery stranger left this note on his windscreen
    When student Derek Murray returned to his car to find a note on the windscreen he thought he was about to get told off about his parking.
    Instead, the law undergraduate at the University of Alberta, Canada, who had mistakenly left the car's lights on, found a wonderful note and help to recharge his flat battery.
    A stranger had left the note which read: "I noticed you left your lights on.
    "The battery will probably not have enough charge to start your vehicle.
    "I left a blue extension cord on the fence and a battery charger in the cardboard box.
    "If you know how to hook it up, use it to start your car.”

    Reddit A stranger in Alberta, Canada, left a car charger and a note for student Derek Murray when he saw that he'd left is lights on

    Help is here: The stranger left a battery charger and instructions
    The letter then went on to describe in detail how to recharge the car's lifeless battery with an extension lead to the man's home.
    Derek posted a picture of the note on Facebook and it was picked up by many, including the city's Mayor Don Iveson, who retweeted it.
    And the stranger may well get some reward as a local business offered to hand him two tickets to a NHL hockey game.
    Derek plans to visit the man's home to thank him in person as he was not at the house when he returned.
    He said: "It just shows you how such a pure act of kindness from one person can just spread through everyone and help make everyone’s day a little brighter."