Astronomer Dr Judit Györgyey-Ries says the planet could feel a huge impact in October 2017


Collision: The giant asteroid could reach earth in 2017

An astronomer has claimed an asteroid the size of the Statue of Liberty is on a collision course with earth.
Dr Judit Györgyey-Ries, astronomer at the University of Texas' McDonald Observatory, believes the giant rock could create a huge impact when it reaches earth in around October 2017.
Scientists estimate Asteroid 2012 TC4 is around 40-metres wide and could cause even more chaos than the one which hospitalised more than 1,200 people when it exploded over Russia in February 2013 .
Dr Györgyey-Ries told astronomy website "We could see an airburst maybe broken windows, depending on where it hits.

The giant asteroid narrowly missed earth in October 2012 when it passed 94,800km away.
Detlef Koschny, head of the near-earth object segment at the European S