THINK you know how to peel an orange? - Wait until you've seen this genius life hack

Once you've seen this simple life hack you'll never struggle to peel the skin off the citrus fruit ever again

Everyone knows the how difficult it is to successfully peel an orange with minimal mess - often making this healthy snack more disappointing than delicious.
But that's all about to change.
Because Rumble Viral has found a life hack that will make orange peeling easy - leaving you to enjoy the fruity goodness without the sticky juicy mess.

YouTubeHow to peel an orange
Easy peasy: This is the ONLY way to peel an orange

With three simple slices of a knife - one across the top and bottom, before a shallow cut down the middle - the orange skin miraculously peels away, leaving each segment ready to eat.
The forty second video was uploaded to Rumble Viral's YouTube channel on March 9, and has clocked up more than 934,000 views in just one week.
One online commenter said: "I'm going to use this, that's for sure!", while another added: "This is definitely going to save me some time. It normally takes me forever just to peel one."
Can't get enough of life hacks? Check out the video below - it's the only way to change a duvet cover.