Paul Gascoigne reveals he's split from girlfriend in series of shocking tweets

The ex-football player launched into a lengthy rant aimed at Mandy Thomas

FlynetPaul Gascoigne is pictured staggering along Sandbanks in Poole, with Mandy Thomas.

Troubled Paul Gascoigne has revealed he's split from rumoured girlfriend Mandy Thomas in a series of expletive-ridden tweets.
Last October, shortly before his relapse, he was pictured out and about with Mandy Thomas, who he is said to have met in the post office she runs in Bournemouth.
The pair looked happy and relaxed in each other's company as they took a stroll along Sandbanks beach in Poole.
At the time, a source told The Sun on Sunday: "They have become extremely close.
"She is besotted with Paul, and he feels the same way. She is the best thing that has happened to him in a long time.
"People are hoping she could be the woman who saves him from himself."
But less than six months later, Gazza has revealed the pair have parted ways after a major fallout.

FlynetPaul Gascoigne is pictured staggering along Sandbanks in Poole, with Mandy Thomas.
Flashback: Paul Gascoigne is pictured in Sandbanks in Poole with Mandy Thomas.

The ex-football player posted a series of furious, foul-mouthed tweets aimed at her.
In the posts shared with his 33,000 followers, the 47-year-old mentioned she wanted "commitment", but also said he'd never actually slept with her.
In an interview with the Sunday Mirror last August, Gazza said he was confident of winning his fight with alcohol.

He said at the time: “I know I can overcome this. I am an alcoholic so I am taking one day at a time, but I will get there. I am determined to.
“I don’t want sympathy – I just want the space to live my life."