Jeremy Clarkson handed himself in because his OWN team were turning against him-->>>

The Top Gear presenter left it five days before ringing to tell BBC director of television Danny Cohen that he had “forcibly manhandled” his colleague Oisin Tymon

Jeremy Clarkson: Handed himself in because his OWN team were turning against him

Jeremy Clarkson reported HIMSELF to bosses after the alleged assault on producer Oisin Tymon last week – because his team were turning on him.
The Top Gear presenter left it five days before ringing to tell BBC director of television Danny Cohen that he had “forcibly manhandled” his colleague during a row over the dinner being provided.
He picked up the phone when other members of the team made it clear they were unhappy about what had happened to Oisin Tymon, 36, who has worked on the programme with Clarkson for the past decade.
One insider said: “He realised that he had f***ed up and that it was going to get out at some point.
"But he was acting out of self-interest – there’s no way he’d be putting his hand up to this if he didn’t think that it was going to get out and become a big issue.”
Afterwards Clarkson made a point of informing the rest of the team, in a meeting, that he had reported to matter to Cohen, in a bid to get them back onside.
Oisin – who is said to have been hit in the face during the “fracas” – was not involved in the matter being drawn to the attention of his BBC bosses.
But he has now been asked to provide a full version of events in order to determine the severity of the alleged assault.
TV executive Cohen, who has admitted to disagreeing with the presenters’s choice of language on several occasions previously, was then left with “no choice” but to launch an investigation following Clarkson’s confession.
The presenter has already told how he is on his “final warning” from the BBC after a string of blunders, explaining: “I’m drinking in the last chance saloon”.
But despite the severity of the accusations against him, friends insisted that Clarkson, 54, was feeling “intensely relaxed” about being suspended from the job he loves.
BBC director general Tony Hall, who is also a non-executive director of BBC Worldwide, indicated that “no timeline” had been set for the investigation.

Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon
Row: Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon
“We have got to make sure we get all the key people together and find out what happened,” he explained following a BBC digital event in central London.”
Asked what would happen to Clarkson and Top Gear going forward, he added: “I am not going to speculate.
"The first task is to get the facts and once you’ve got the facts then you can make decisions, but I need facts.”
BBC Worldwide makes £150million in annual revenue from the brand.
The investigation into the events, being handled by Ken MacQuarrie, is likely to take until next week.
One insider said that the 760,000 signatures gathered on the Save Clarkson petition had been given by people who did not have the full facts before them.
“There is a judge and jury mentality out there but they are forgetting that there is a victim in all this.
"People should be able to come forward at the BBC and be honest about what has happened to them,” a source said.
There was more fury at the BBC after David Cameron and Maria Miller waded into the Clarkson row.
A source said: “There is a clear agenda here being peddled by the Tories – and that is to use this situation as an opportunity to attack the BBC.
"It is extremely unhelpful for them to get involved when there is a potential victim sat at home watching this play out before the investigation has even started.
"What does it mean for anyone who might want to blow the whistle on bad behaviour in the future?”
Cameron had backed Clarkson on Wednesday, declaring: “He is a constituent of mine, he is a friend of mine, he is a huge talent. I see that he said he regrets some of what happened.
"All I would say, because he is a talent and he does amuse and entertain so many people, including my children who’ll be heartbroken if Top Gear is taken off air, I hope this can be sorted out because it is a great programme and he is a great talent.”

Reuters Television presenter Jeremy Clarkson in London, March 11, 2015
Intensely relaxed: Jeremy Clarkson
And former culture secretary Maria Miller said: “I think they need to sort this mess out quickly, and not be seen to be punishing the fans.
"It’s a fantastic show and I really think the BBC has got an obligation to get this sorted. The BBC needs to be better at managing its talent ... there are other organisations that have to deal with larger than life characters.
"People like Arsene Wenger are doing this day in and day out.”
Nick Clegg gave a more balanced view, saying: “I don’t know what happened in this cold/hot meal fracas.
"He is an employee of the BBC, they are his boss and so if they think he has done something wrong - then it is for them to decide.”
Perry McCarthy, the original Stig on Top Gear, has said that the people who suspended Clarkson should lose their jobs.

Speaking on TV he said that Top Gear would be “damaged goods” without Clarkson.
“We all normally say ‘nobody is bigger than the programme’ except this time, I think Jeremy is bigger than Top Gear, I really do, that’s my personal opinion.
"And if Top Gear were to go on without him, it would be damaged goods. It wouldn’t be as valuable, it wouldn’t be as enjoyable and who’d want to see it without Jeremy? I wouldn’t.”
The next two instalments of Top Gear have been postponed while the investigation takes place.
Prior to the alleged assault, Clarkson and his co-hosts James May and Richard Hammond were in final negotiations over new three-year contracts, with their current deal running out at the end of the month.