Financial adviser Allan Bullock housed his daughter, her partner and their child in the annexe unaware that he would be billed twice
A grandfather has been told to pay two lots of council tax because his property now has two KITCHENS.
Financial adviser Allan Bullock built an annexe to his family home for his daughter, her partner and their child.
But officials from the Valuation Office Agency decided the kitchen made it a separate residence and thus subject to a double dose of tax, reports Wales Online.
Mr Bullock said: “My family members needed somewhere to live, so the best solution was to build an annexe on to the family home.
“While they have their own external entrance, the annexe can also be accessed from the main part of the house.
“I put the extra kitchen in to make things easier for them, but it seems that was a mistake."
He added: “The VOA has homed in on that and decided that as they can cook their own food, it’s a wholly separate housing unit.
“But from my point of view, the fact is there’s no way the annexe could be sold as a separate property.
“It’s linked up to the rest of the house and no-one would be interested in buying it even if we wanted to sell it.
“Building the annexe seemed a good solution – and it means my daughter and her partner have somewhere secure to live.
“If I hadn’t built the annexe, there was a chance they would be homeless and need to be housed at great public expense.”
Mr Bullock’s Conservative MP David Davies said: “It may seem odd to most people that a grandfather who goes out of his way to help family members get a home is clobbered for two lots of council tax because he was good enough to provide them with a kitchen of their own, while someone living in north London doesn’t have to pay two lots of council tax when they have an existing second kitchen for their live-in maid.
“Perhaps this is what Ed Miliband meant when he said there was one law for the rich and powerful, and another for everyone else.”
A spokesman for the VOA said he could not comment on individual cases, but referred us to guidance on the application of council tax to houses with annexes.
The guidance states: “The VOA gives every house, flat or other domestic property a council tax band so that your local council is able to collect the correct amount of council tax.
“Normally, each of these will receive a single band and the owners or occupiers will receive a single council tax bill.
“However, when banding properties the VOA is also required by law to apply a separate council tax band to every “building, or part of a building, which has been constructed or adapted for use as separate living accommodation.”
The guidance says a separate area of living accommodation will usually have independent access or access from a hallway, landing or other common area; its own facilities for sleeping and preparing food; washing facilities and a toilet.