Bearded lady reveals she now loves her unshaven look after years of bullying: "I wanted to kill myself"

Brave Harnaam Kaur no longer tries to get rid of her facial hair and is proud of having a fully-grown beard which she started growing at 11

A bearded woman who endured years of bullying and almost attempted suicide has spoken about her new-found body confidence.
Harnaam Kaur, 24, of Berkshire suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome and first started growing a thick facial hair at the age of just 11.
She tried to wax, bleach and shave the hair which had also started coming through on her chest and arms but finally decided to stop after being baptised as a Sikh, a religion which forbids the cutting of body hair.
Speaking during an appearance on This Morning, Harnaam said: "At the end of the day, I love myself and the way that I'm formed.
"Going through primary and secondary school with the facial hair, kids can be nasty. It led me to self harm and wanting to take my own life."

ITV Woman with beard on This Morning
Harnaam with her brother
She was a split second away from taking an overdose with a handful of tablets when she decided to channel her negative energy into something more positive.
"It take a lot of strength to say, 'I want to kill myself'," Harnaam said. "A split second is all it took. That thought process really empowered me to just carry on with life.
"I'm more spiritual now than I am religious, I live my life the way I see fit. I stand for what I am. To be labelled as a woman you can look however you want."
Harnaam is now working on a campaign to show that name-calling has a big impact with anti-bullying charity Fixers and appears in a short film with her brother.

ITV Woman with beard on This Morning
Woman with beard on This Morning
"The reaction has been amazing and people have found it so powerful," she said.
Her brother plays the bully in the promo, which Harnaam admits was hard for him because he's been her "rock" when times have been extremely tough for her.
She said: "I absolutely love him, he's been my main support, he's literally my backbone.
"He's helped me build myself up, it was hard for him to play that role but he played it amazingly."
Visit for more about the charity and Harnaam's work.

Harnaam Kaur