Mother smiles as she burns down house of monster who raped and killed her daughter

Diena Thompson threw the first flare to start the blaze which brought down the house where the horrific crime took place

A mother haunted by the brutal killing of her child looked on in delight as she watched the house of her murderer be burned to the ground.
Diena Thompson smiled as firefighters destroyed the building where her daughter was killed and was invited to throw a flare to start the blaze.
“I get to burn their house down,“ Ms Thompson told WJXT at the scene.

Diena Thompson mother of murdered 7 year old girl Somer Thompson, burns down the house of her daughters killer Jared Harrell
Revenge: Mother Diena Thompson avenges the killer of her seven-year-old daughter Somer

"I am the big bad wolf this time, knocking down your door."
Her daughter, Somer, was just seven years old when she was snatched off the street by sick pervert Jared Harrell while walking home from school near Jacksonville, Florida, the Independent reported.
Somer ran ahead of her friends and siblings to pet a dog outside the home where Harrell was staying with his mother.

Diena Thompson mother of murdered 7 year old girl Somer Thompson, burns down the house of her daughters killer Jared Harrell
Tragedy: Somer Thompson was killed when she was seven years old

The paedophile lured Somer into the house where he raped her then killed her.
The little girl’s body was later discovered in a Georgia landfill by police.
Harrell, now 29, was convicted and is serving six life sentences.

Diena Thompson mother of murdered 7 year old girl Somer Thompson, burns down the house of her daughters killer Jared Harrell
Sick: Child killer Jared Harrell may never be released after getting six life sentences

The house went into foreclosure and the bank donated it to a charity set up for Somer.
Ms Thompson then donated the house to the Orange Park Fire Department to use for training exercises.
Five years after her daughter went missing, on 19 October, 2009, the mum had the satisfaction of seeing it engulfed in flames at the end of a two-day training session in search and rescue for the firefighters