8 Secret Superfoods for Weight Loss

8 Secret Superfoods for Weight Loss

Longan fruit. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Imagine you had your own weight-loss posse—a dedicated entourage of slim-down authorities whose entire lives were devoted to helping you look great.
Well, in a way, you do. And your entourage is a lot bigger than just Turtle, E and Drama. In fact, you have somewhere around 80 trillion boosters hanging around, 24/7, ready to help with your every weight-loss goal. They’re your gut microbes, and they live in your digestive tract, managing your hormones, battling bad bugs, and helping you draw nutrients from your food. And now, a new study has found that a humble mushroom that’s been used for centuries in Chinese medicine may give your weight-loss entourage a hand in helping to keep you slim.
The study, published in Nature Communications, suggests that the Ganoderma lucidum, also known as reishi or lingzhi, slowed weight gain in animal studies by altering the bacteria in the beast’s gut. The researchers suggested the mushroom could eventually be used in the treatment of obesity. 
But if mushrooms aren’t your thing, no worries. We’ve discovered 7 more belly-flattening superfoods you’ve never heard about but should be eating. Chow down—your entourage will thank you! 


(Photo: Shutterstock)