Bobbi Kristina Brown's Condition Remains Grim

Bobbi Kristina Brown's Condition Remains Grim
Bobbi Kristina Brown is still unconscious and on life support, but a family source tells PEOPLE that reports of her condition getting drastically worse have been overblown. 

While her condition remains grim, "there hasn't been a change in the past week," says a family member. "Nothing at all. It's not like her kidneys are shutting down or anything. There hasn't been any change." 

Brown, 21, was foundunresponsive in her bathtub on Jan. 31. 

While she remains hospitalized, members of her family, including her father Bobby Brown and grandmother Cissy Houston, have been maintaining a constant vigil by her bedside. 

One person who hasn't been allowed to visit Brown at her bedside is boyfriend Nick Gordon, who has long had tension with members of her family

"We don't talk about him," continues the family member. "Bobby doesn't mention him at all, ever. We're trying to give positive energy around Krissi, and Nick is not positive energy."