The leader of the free world was showing what people do when they are on their own as he sought to publicise the US Government's health care website
He might be the world’s most powerful man but it seems that behind closed doors President Obama is the same as you and me.
This hilarious video shows the 44th President of the United States posing in front of the mirror, taking a selfie and drawing a picture of his beloved wife Michelle.
Obama is also seen practicing basketball shots and poising with a pair of sunglasses on.
The video was produced by the website Buzzfeed which posed the question ‘what do people do when no-one else is around?’
It seems the fun-loving President was only too keen to take part, as long as the site help direct people to the United States Government’s new healthcare website.
The two-minute long video begins with Obama smiling in front of the mirror, before cutting to another man doing the same.

It then swaps between the two men as they go through a hilarious routine of things each of us do when we are on our own.
At one point the other man stumbles and drops his coffee before saying "Thanks Obama", before the president says the exact same thing when he is unable to fit a cookie in his milk.
The phrase is a reference to long-running joke in America where supporters of his claim opponents will blame the president for anything.
The video has already been shared on Facebook more than 20,000 times, with the leader of the free world coming in for nigh praise.
April Torres said: "I'm in love with the fact that a world leader can be so down to earth. Who cares if he's the president and your views on him. At the end of the day we are all humans.”
Miguel Lopez said: "What I love about Obama is he's actually a great happy guy rather than just acting like one."